So wot DOES she do?

 (well as little as possible if she had her way!!!!!)

I am an occupational health & safety co-ordinator (a nurse but up a few levels!) by day, ....when I can get work now! & on weekends I work with my man (yeh sorry did I forget to mention him!! I luv him to death!) for a a few cover bands now, the main one tho is still:

Juicy Bits!

& also an up & cumin fresh-faced band:

Keep The Change!

Juicy Bits: Do 70's & 80's stuf, & dress up in characters & generally run amok!!!!

Come See the Band

Here I am at one of our gigs....massagin our drummers shoulders!!!! (umm the things I hav to endure!)

Just look at those hands at work!!

The band hav a nickname for me....they call me, "The Colonel".......yeh cos I'm the boss! hehehe (well U can thank Colonel Parker of Elvis fame for that one!)


I'm also still studyin...ummm seems like I hav done THAT forever...actually it has been for the last ten yrs. with only a 1 yr break in the middle!!!!! (now it's for my Diploma in occupational health & safety)

Here is your typical office workin environment!!

Diverse aren't I??? *S*

When I finish I will have lots of letters after my far I have,

RGN, OHN, ASIA, (then I can add Dip OHS) !!!!!


*sigh* *sob sob* Oh well shit happens......



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